Posted on 08 Jan 2014 in SMITH Team | Kommentare deaktiviert für THE ARCHIVE COLLECTION

We are who we are. In 1965 Dr. Bob Smith invented and sold the world’s first thermal goggle lens out of the back of his van. He was a free-thinking visionary with a lust for life. In 1979 we introduced our first line of sunglasses for people who lived life outside walls, “Do it your way…but see it our way.” Even then the idea was to provide superior quality sunglasses to make your experience outside better. That was it. This has always been about making product for people like Bob Smith.

So we celebrate our history by re-introducing sunglasses from our past. The Archive Collection pieces are exact replicas of original Smith frames. Each piece is labeled with its initial launch year and offered in original colorways.

After 49 years we still have a lust for life. And why wouldn’t we? It’s easy to make great product when you love what you do.


